Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Labor Day Adventure

I had the "Get out of town" itch this weekend and Wellman's had the " Our baby is almost here" itch. Great combo. After every last minute idea, we came up with the greatest adventure...drum roll please...MERCED! What is there to do in Merced? you ask. One word KATHY!

We went Saturday night and tried out Jeff's famous Tequila (stop freaking out, I know I'm pregnant...the restaurant). I must say I doubted Jeff's hype...AMAAAAZING! Then we explored the wonderful word of nothing-ville and headed back to Jeff's parents casa. We had a chill-sesh with Anchorman.

Sunday we headed to Yosemite for the day. 2 pregnant chicks slowed down the excursion a bit, but I must insert that we had to drag the boys to get out of town. We were to ones willing to sleep in the back of the car, but nooo, T had to have a bed.

We found a really cool beach along the river. Tim HATES cold water. But I guess Jeff couldn't show him up and next thing I knew they were swimming in the FREEZING water. The boys went on a hike while the pregos took a stroll and people watched.

To top off the day at Yosemite, we headed back to the Wellman casa where Kathy had the most fantastic turkey sandwiches. Not just turkey, but Kathy's famous turkey. If that's not enough, she had fresh Ghiradelli brownies baking with 3 choices of ice cream. THEN she sends Tim home with a bag of beef strips from Costco! Does it get much better?! Oh how I love Kathy!

This definitely is not at cool as the Cline's seeing monkeys humping this weekend
Good times with the Wellman Clan


Alicia said...

ummmm is that tim playing with jeff's bolagna nipple?????

Unknown said...

Wow...Tim's face looks a little creepy in the nipple he's enjoying it a bit too much. But then again, he's been taking a lot of questionable pictures lateley... Like the one on the back of the wave runner with two other dudes and a huge grin on his face...I'm just sayin...
Btw, You look fantastic. :)