Thursday, September 10, 2009

Great Day

It has been a great day
1st: Rozzi Wellman was welcomed into the world, she's so precious!
2nd: Awesome ultrasound appointment and saw "it" moving all over
3rd: Started to really feel the baby move today
4th: Baby McKeon is on his way, hopefully by the end of the day


Lindsey said...

what a great day! I'm so jealous! I still need to come by and see "it's" room.

Tracy said...

Aren't the ultrasounds the best?? It makes you realize how real everything really is... when are you due again? I remember it was really close to my due date.. January, right? Aww, wish you lived closer.

Anonymous said...

court, it's jessi (knode) edison. i came across your blog through lauren's and am so excited to see that you are expecting! there is truly nothing better. i am so excited for you and tim. tell him hello. you look adorable pregnant! enjoy your growing belly.