We were more than ready for another baby...just not 2
A lot of you have been asking what we are need of so I thought it might help to just post what we are on the hunt for.
If you are clearing out some baby stuff, or want to "store" it with us for a bit, we would be more than happy to help you with that. We are also willing to buy it off you (I'm sure I'll be buying most on Craigslist anyway). I'm thinking the idea of not storing this stuff in your garage for a while might be a nice thought to you (or the hubby...Tim had a heart attack this weekend looking at all the baby stuff in his "man cave")
We don't care about anything matching, or even if it is girly (I think the boys will be confident of who they are)
This by no means is us asking for anyone to buy us anything, stickly mentioning the items before you get rid of them.
I put up some pictures, but only to give you an idea of the type of item I am talking about (we are not picky)
Hand-Me-Down Wish List
*1 Pack n Play that has a bassinet (our doesn't have the bassinet so we could even work in a swap for a bit so you still have one on hand)
*1 bouncer
*1 Chicco Car seat (needs to be chicco, we already have the bases). We will only take this from someone we know to trust that it is accident free
* 1 swing
* 2 bath tubs
* 1 boppy
*1 shopping car/high chair cover
*1 bumbo
* 1 glider that has some sort of recline to it (ours was awful at 3 a.m.)
*1 play mat
*Any boys clothes (definitely don't have any of that right)
Just kidding, I think I need to accept there is no more accessorizing
*Any books on twins (no idea what to do)
I'm sure I will realize more things I need and I will be sure to add to the "hand-me-down wish list"
Remember we are NOT asking any of you to purchase any of this, we jut twant to ask before we make the purchases