Monday, February 7, 2011

Party-n like...

a sick baby?! 

 (There's way too much detail here) 
B woke up the night before her festivities with a fever of 103 and it stuck around for 4 days! While we tried to tend to a screaming, sick baby all night, I was down with food poisoning all night also. We didn't crash out until 5:30 a.m., but no worries, she still partied like a rock star (sort of). She was not herself and on;ly wanted to watch her buddies have fun. She wouldn't eat anything, including the cake.  Despite our minor set backs, we had a blast. Just check out how sick little Miss B looks. Upside..she was well again by her actual birthday.

The decor "Our Birdie is turning 1" :
(I think the pix didn't do it justice (my humble opinion))

Yard sign (and sad winter grass) 
"Berkeley's Birdhouse"
 We put a tree in the front courtyard with her monthly pictures
Favor table with cookie pops "Tweet you for coming! Love, Berkeley"
The branch had a picture of her every week for the 52 weeks
Banner and slide show (wish I made the banner but, B's BFF's Mama did that one)
 Adorable cake...BFF Queso's doing...cupcakes, mine (I can't frost!)

Check out the high chair decor
The butt says "ONE" with a birdie

 The Event:
  One of the few smiles that day
 She grabbed the bird head and showed in her mouth
 Daddy fished it out and set her off
 After much demonstration, she gave it a try
  Stopped to re-hydrate
 Then back at it again, this time with a spoon
 (the only pic of our fam)
 How could you not smile at these little ones
 My nieces drive up with my awesome parents for the big event
 Just before she crashed
 Her new hat from her cousin London
 But the best gift...a slumber party with some cousins
The Real Deal:
She woke up to a balloon, a present and the parents singing
Grandma and Pops flew in to help celebrate (and off to the park)
 Cruisin with Grandma Judy
We finished off the day with loads of fun, kisses, dinner at Lucilles and a few gifts were snuck in the mix and maybe a cupcake or 2

We are partied out over here folks!


Rachelle said...

WOW! Loved it! You did such a darling job with EVERY detail. So cute!

bdoyle said...

Ah haha, it is hilarious how different our parties were. As far as decoration and presentation go. I should hire someone like you to do my parties. :) Good job! It seriously looks adorable! And Hud was also a sick/teething baby at his party so I feel your pain.

Anonymous said...

poor B... it's so awful when they're sick... but really? on her party day:(. looks like everything turned out very well considering her (and poor you) condition. she could be the cutest party girl ever!

Ali said...

such a cute little party! I cannot believe she is already one, it seems like yesterday she was born.

Jeff and Eliza said...

Love it. Love the colors, love the trees, love the cake. Bummed we missed it.