Thursday, February 17, 2011

help! (again)

Mommies...I can't find Berkeley's owner's manual anywhere, so I'm not sure what to do!

Is B already ready for only 1 nap? I feel like this is way too early. Is this just a phase?

She hasn't been napping very long. This past 3 days she is awake after about 15 minutes of napping. I leave her in there for a long time to see if she will go back to sleep, and of course she never does. When she is back up she is happy. She goes down right away at about 10:30 and 3:30, but doesn't stay asleep. For awhile she has had at least one crummy nap (never more than 45 minutes), but now it's both naps.

How the heck am I supposed to know when it's time for 1 nap. (I know this usually doesn't happen for a few more months)

Any advise is welcomed!

1 comment:

Mindie said...

Sophie has been down to one nap for a few months now. She is almost 18 months. It was very sad for me. But her one nap is still anywhere from 2 to 3 hours. We have noticed that she sleeps longer with her binky. We tried taking it away and it worked for a while then she got sick and wouldn't sleep so we gave it back. As far as naps, I think you just take your cues from your baby. I put her down 4 to 5 hours after she gets up in the morning. Good luck figuring it out!