Sunday, October 17, 2010

lame posts, cool kid

Why do I feel like I need to share every event on my blog or my family will forget who we are?
I got so far behind on blogging, I seriously almost quit.
But, instead, I decided to throw all creativity out the window and just catch-up
So beware, these few posts are pretty lame, but the kid is pretty cool to look at!

B is 8 months old!
(Well I'm a bit late...8 1/2 to be exact)Her stats:
16 lbs 8 oz (23rd percentile)
28 1/4 in (97th percentile)

1 comment:

Rachelle said...

You won't be forgotten!! Keep blogging, it's the best family journal and lots of us love the pics and to see what you've been up to!! Miss seeing you more often!