Tuesday, August 14, 2012

5 and 2.5

equal 3 crazy kids
Posted late, but taken on time
Can you believe we are 5 months into this crazy twinner journey? And Big Sister turned 2 1/2 the day before (Confession: haven't finshed those pics yet)

Loves to chill and smile at anything. Rarely cries and loves to steal strangers hearts. He rolls around but finds himself content on his back watching his brother play. He gets excited or mad when he watches us eat, his time for food  is very soon. His favorite thing to do is sleep, smile and jabber (hmmm, where did he get that from?). He is calm, sweet and easy going
Everything opposite of Cruze. Hates to be still. Rolls around to try to get form place to place. At the early scooting stages. Hates being on his back and always wants to be standing. He hates to sleep and not isn't jazzed about stopping to drink a bottle, there is just so much play with. He loves to laugh and is the biggest flirt I have ever seen! This guy loves bath time and is always battling us turn to see the TV. He is stubborn, persistent and busy busy busy

This girl is so girly! Love to pick out her outfits and have her hair done. Any free moment she is playing dress up. Princess Berkeley is pre3tty much the only thing we see these days. Barbies, babies, and dress up is what consumes her. She loves to color pictures for everyone else. Eats anything but potatoes but loves tortillas, cheese, beans, and everything vegetable. She's talking up a storm and love to "talk animal" with us. We LOVE having conversations with her now and she is always making us laugh. She loves to play with her friends but its still rare to see her wanting to be around her brothers. She has decided she is too cool for naps (oh how uncool it really is for mom). She is goofy, fearless and full of gratitude. She constantly is stopping to thank one of us for something random that she has (so sweet). She is still inquisitive, smart and most exciting of all, potty trained!

My heart is as full as our hands right now. I love every busy moment and savor the peaceful quite one (like the one I was just enjoying until 2/3 of the house started crying right now