Saturday, May 7, 2011

E.B. Didn't forget B

Uncle Bam Bam and his awesome lady friend, Blanca, came to spend Easter with B and us.
B is obsessed quite fond of her.

Bunny Foo Foo left her an Easter basket filled with summer needs
 Then off to find those eggs. 
You would have thought this kid had done this before..CHAMP

Cheeks stocked with goldfish, and ready to go
 Notice Achilles never to far from B (with a basket full of snacks)
 Her new BFF kicked in some help
 Nothing was getting between her and these eggs
 Already breaking into the eggs


Unknown said...

LOOOOOOOVE all the cute pics of my little B!!

Anonymous said...

loving all the new posts:). Your little lady just keeps getting cuter! every time i go for a run i wish we lived closer so i had a friend to run with:(... i'm too slow for phil and it's pretty boring alone!