Saturday, April 3, 2010

1st Road Trip

Not so fun! A 7 hour drive has now turned into 11!
But was worth it.
Berkeley got to meet lots of grandparents, great-grandparents, cousins, aunties and uncles.

Pretty sure Leslie is scared away
from babies (Not B's finest day)

She wouldn't stop talking to Auntie Camie

We had her Blessing with the family
(That was my blessing dress)

Uncle Spikey, Auntie D, and Caden

Some Cousins

Auntie Carrie

Grandpa Nosh



Aubrey said...

Congrats!!!! Love that you used your dress!

Alicia said...

awwwww she looks so cute! and it looks like the fam had a blast with her!!

Lindsey said...

We need to arrange a little get together pronto so we can share our SOCAL trip stories. Plus, I'm baby hungry and need to get my fix in!