Saturday, January 9, 2010

MTV Cribs...Baby Style

The nursery is officially ready for this kid to come poop and scream in it...can't wait! Much credit to Grandma White who made all the bedding and accessories. And to my mom who helped the most indecisive pregnant chick make decisions. It has been pretty cool to do, but it feels good to have nothing left to do to it, even if I wanted to (I still don't like the white color blocks...I'm over it!)


Renée and Jaime said...

The room turned out sooo cute! NOW you are ready to have your baby. I am glad that you body is letting the baby stay inside for a little longer.

Jacob said...

That IS some serious awesomeness, sista! Love, love, LOVE it!

Jeff and Eliza said...

Ooo la la. Me likey. But i can't read wingdings brah. me no chinese.

Rachelle said...
